
About the Artists

Chris Valenti - If you've ever been frustrated by a relationship and you have a somewhat twisted, sometimes evil, but very healthy sense of humor, then Chris Valenti is the artist for you.  He's a relationship expert. Sometimes fronting a high energy rock band or sometimes standing alone with only a microphone, his show is part music, part comedy, part therapy, and part romance - as well as action, adventure, mystery and sometimes horror. A philosopher of love - usually, the kind of love that did not exactly make it to that 'happily ever after' place, Chris writes and performs songs that touch upon the universal truths of the sometimes frustrating, but often ridiculously funny life of single people.


Phil Johnson

Phil Johnson isn't angry. Even when he's screaming at the audience in the guise of a schizo killing his girlfriend or a jilted lover insulting every bit of his ex-lover's femininity, it's done with a warmth and a knowing glance that it's all in good fun. It communicates to the audience that no matter what problems they're going through, there's always someone even more screwed up than them. Phil Johnson is, in fact, a raging optimist. And better yet, it's all set to music.
Phil deftly wields his guitar, spinning out one funny scenario after another. His shows have been called "choreographed frenzy" and his easy, mellow command of the stage turns completely demented on a dime. It's a show with variety, energy, and originality that definitely pushes the boundaries. But beyond just entertainment, Phil seeks to actually communicate something important… That life is just not as serious as we all think.

Doug Hill (from Nothing Error) began his project, Nothing Error, with the EP "I Am Here To Break Your Heart".  He hired a session drummer to perform the tracks and played everything else himself. From there, Hill began playing shows with only an electric guitar and a microphone. He focused on the stories behind the songs and drew the audiences in with his blend of humor and dark subject matter. 
Doug decided it was time to put a backing band together and return to the energy of the rock show. Nothing Error has been playing shows in Oregon and California blending the story-telling aspect of Doug's early shows with a high energy rock show.

Rayko (from Dig Jelly) If you enjoy live performances, DIG JELLY is special to watch. They have a blend of raw energy and sex appeal that grabs the attention of everyone at any given venue. Their in your face attitude and showmanship on stage are well received by audiences. Mind-blowing live performances demonstrate the band’s unmistakable chemistry and musicianship. Show after show has proven to be a testament to their hard work and dedication. After playing 35 shows in 6 packed weeks during their recent national tour, they’re ready for everything and anything more than ever!

Tah Phrum Duh Bush is an oddball amongst artists. This dude is so askew from the norm he is often labeled a weirdo-nonconformist-freak... Hey man this cat just ain’t right! Yet somehow, strangely his look doesn’t quite fit the bill! Harnessing the rawness of Redman, the Energy of the Roots, the lyrical intricacies of Pharoahe Monch and the savvy of A Tribe Called Quest, Tah has been seen on stage doing wide ranges of craziness. Tah can be found in the bowels of New York City on a stage dropping science and knowledge in one instant and in the next he's stage diving with a hole-filled parachute with an egg beater in one hand and a mic in the next. Consequently, Tah Phrum Duh Bush has chosen to represent himself as the antithesis of all; the positive to every negative and the negative to every positive; an oxymoron live in the flesh!  There is neither good nor bad. There only is what is: Sunshine or Pure Shade.

Rob Anthony Combining the harmony of pop with singer-songwriter sensibility and outlining an acoustic instrumentation with a rock edge Rob is truly at home. He occupies a unique musical space by catching his audience unaware and transporting them to a place of pure rock pleasure.
The story of Rob Anthony unfolds through each song on his new album, Inside You and Inside Me.  Beginning with the dreams of a young man (save that rose for my grave), progressing through tumultuous relationships (have I lost what I found, you're the one, how you went on without me), struggling through alcohol abuse and recovery (while yesterday it rained), dealing with uncertainty (dead end road), craving true friendship (bring me back down), wanting to get more out of life (inside you and inside me) and discovering peace in spirituality (hold on), Rob discovered that home is truly where the home is.

Traci Toguchi is a recording artist, actress, speaker, songwriter, publisher, model, humanitarian, and entrepreneur. Her mission is to help people live their potential through her words, music, and actions. Traci's album Feel the Breeze supports her mission through its empowering messages in songs and stories in the CD's 20 page full-color liner notes. The Honolulu Advertiser's Wayne Harada says: “Former Miss Hawaii Traci Toguchi realizes a dream come true… The album offers uplifting energy and advice in 15 songs – the power can be absorbed even through the titles, such as Feel the Breeze… Toguchi gushes and bubbles with zeal and passion…” The Honolulu Star Bulletin's John Berger says: “…Toguchi has an appealing voice and the musical arrangements are exceptional… Music is only half of the package…this landmark album must also be read in its entirety to appreciate everything she has to offer.”

James Roy Not every artist starts out as one. For James Roy, it took a four-year electrical engineering degree and a taste of the corporate world before he realized that life is more about living than trying to meet the expectations of others. Each song he writes is a completely different experience - a different story, sound, and emotion - and no single track can describe the rest. From edgy and aggressive to happy and upbeat, James builds a complex and changing soundscape that is held together by one idea: that we can always try something new and from that we can learn to grow. With the desire to make a positive impact and encourage people to think differently, James released his first music video Rise Above. Full of strong imagery and vibrant color, the video exposes his feelings about discrimination and offers the scenario of a more progressive and open-minded society.

Titus is not your average hip hop artist. Most hip hop artists aren’t concerned with inspiring their listeners or painting a picture of hope for the future, but this seems to be where Titus shines and connects with his audience. Imagine an artist with the passion of a Tupac combined with catchy hooks and a lyrical content that comes from his own personal experiences. “I wanna give these kids out there that are listening to hip hop, more than just empty lyrics; I wanna be able to impact their lives in a positive way”. Titus has proved that his words are more than just empty boasting by performing at youth correctional facilities and schools. He definitely has clever word play in his lyrics and a knack for creating commercially successful songs. This is very much evident in his lead single, the Movement. With this deadly combination, you find a deep, spiritually rooted hip hop artist that can inspire you and make you think as well as make you get up and dance.

Jannel Rap There are few singer-songwriters in which the emotional and personal depth of life experience envelopes the vocal performance like southern California singer/songwriter, Jannel Rap. Rap has an effortless way of creating naturally relatable songs. There is truly no competition when you aspire to be your own best self.
The disappearance of her sister, Gina Bos, in 2000 launched Jannel in an unexpected direction. Her desperate search to find her sister led her to create the non profit, GINA for Missing Persons. To date: GINA has been involved in over 400 concerts worldwide to bring awareness to the blight of the missing. GINA received a huge endorsement at the 2003 & 2006 Grammys with support from artists such as; Meatloaf, Michael C Ross (Vanessa Carlton, Christina Aguilara), Susan Gibson (Dixie Chicks) and more... CHECK OUT HER NEW BAND CLEMENTINE!
Matthew Cook is an artist from Northern California. Surrounded by the beauty of our ancient Redwood Forests, steeped in the stillness and awe-inspiring power of nature, his art speaks of a sense of peace and well-being amid the struggles of being human.
My life is my art and my art is my life. It has always been thus for me and I have had interesting and rich experiences for it. I have been fortunate to be able to share pieces of that through my music. Over the years I have developed my own solo piano style, ‘Folk Jazz’, combining the simplicity, accessibility and personableness of Folk Music with some of the heady elements of Modern Jazz. 

Mark Latham Without any solid answers to the meaning of life, the Mark’s band has developed a humorous philosophy on the often bleak state of the world today, managing to maintain a positive outlook for the future while continually questioning the basic ideas of life. Their new disc, Sophomore, is an eclectic mix of rock, pop, ballads and jam that explores relationships with women, god, death, the working masses, adolescence and the city of angels, all written since founder/songwriter Mark Latham transplanted himself from Boston to Los Angeles a few years back.

Angela Arana When an artist is labeled as a Christian artist, is that really all there is to their music? For an artist like, Angela Arana, it's merely a reference point. Angela's Adult Contemporary crossover Christian style focuses on the themes of real life philosophy. From the simple ideas that we all routinely forget about when the next big problem shows up in our lives to ideas such as not losing faith in God or doubt our God given abilities. We have to be true to ourselves and what we want, not what others want us to be. God is in control of every aspect of our lives but it is up to us to take action. Angela Arana's music can be categorized by whatever people define it to be, however the importance is in the message of the song. Inner peace and happiness are accessible to all of us. We need to appreciate and be happy with what we have and what life has to offer. Take advantage of it, it's what living is really about.

Micheal Finnerty is one of the few artists that actually reminds us that life can be anything we want it to be. Our lives are not up for someone else's judgment and we are not a victim of circumstance. Your life can change for the better this very moment by you simply deciding it is going to. We all need someone to lift us out of the ruts we get in. In his self titled debut CD, Micheal teaches us that we are all connected through similar life experiences that we all share. For example in the featured song, Van Gogh, he shares his own experiences of bad relationships. The ones where the other person just seems to have suddenly become disinterested and walks away. Even if they had a track record of this before with other people, we thought we were different, we had something special. Micheal Finnerty is helping you get 'restarted' on the right path right now!

Michael McCarthy is a gifted musician with the soul of a poet. Raised on the sounds of rock legends past, his musical flow comes out classic and timeless. A respected and dedicated Los Angeles native with insights to the human heart rarely seen in the rock format, McCarthy’s songs acknowledge the darkness in us all while always moving towards the light. His current disc “Michael McCarthy & the Beautiful Fools” captures the essence of a man striving to erase the confusion and spiritual disconnection of urban life. Michael’s assertive honey glazed rasp of a voice reveals a wise beyond his years perspective that is honest and sincere. In the current style over substance landscape of popular music this simple approach sets him apart from the pack.
Jerolyn is the frontwoman for her own small band, as well as the guitarist. Her welcoming smile and dry wit keep everybody encouraged.
I want to impact our culture for Christ Jesus. God's love, and God's Word are the only things that last. Loyalty is a very rare commodity these days. People tend to use you up and throw you out. But I've found walking in God's ways is a lot of fun, and God never uses you up and disposes of you. God renews me and fills my days with some really cool things and fascinating people. I find myself walking in a series of "this is the best day of my entire life so far!" days. I want to show kids and adults a fun alternative to drugs and sex for entertainment-- high energy music that's focused on the purest source of energy in the universe: Jesus, the Sun of Righteousness.
Kristin Korb Life really could be very simple.  We could be quiet, operate within the confines of rules, and color in the lines. But that would be boring!  Kristin Korb is a rebel like you, not the "paint her nails black and scream bloody murder at the world" kind of rebel.  She's also not quite subtle enough either for her devious personality.  She's the quiet kind of rebel who looks for trouble in the unglamorous parts of life, she speaks out against injustice, helps the less fortunate in times of need, supports public education, and plays music that speaks only to those who are actually listening to the message.

Jon Zucker - Ever since performing onstage with Billy Joel while in college, I’ve had a dream of becoming a successful songwriter and performer. The dream took a slight detour after college, however, as I did the practical thing and pursued a career on Wall St. I never forgot about my musical aspirations, however, and a couple of years ago I decided to quit my job, move out to LA, and pursue music full-time. I thought LA would be the perfect place to pursue my dream, as it is a town full of people doing just that, and the entertainment capital of the world. I’ve taken and the lessons I’ve learned; lessons I believe are relevant for anyone who has ever had a dream or stood at a crossroads in their life.

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